Working at heights in New Zealand remains one of the biggest causes of major injuries and occupational fatalities. Most reported cases commonly involve over-balancing, over-reaching, or the failure of a fragile surface. Falling from height can also be due to unguarded holes such as inspection holes, hatchways, and pits, and falls from machinery and process tanks. Read more:
RIS is Australia's largest Height Safety provider, with a National branch infrastructure to meet its client's needs anywhere within Australia or overseas. With the market place becoming increasingly aware of the need for employee protection when working at heights, RIS is ideally positioned to provide local and overseas industries with practical solutions for any height safety, confined space or rope access application.
Working at heights in New Zealand remains one of the biggest causes of major injuries and occupational fatalities. Most reported cases commonly involve over-balancing, over-reaching, or the failure of a fragile surface. Falling from height can also be due to unguarded holes such as inspection holes, hatchways, and pits, and falls from machinery and process tanks. Read more:
Employers must adhere to working at height NSW rules in Australia to meet the available regulations. However, it is crucial to go an extra step to ensure that the risk is minimised further by doing the following things. Read more:
Working at heights in New Zealand remains one of the biggest causes of major injuries and occupational fatalities. Most reported cases commonly involve over-balancing, over-reaching, or the failure of a fragile surface. Falling from height can also be due to unguarded holes such as inspection holes, hatchways, and pits, and falls from machinery and process tanks.
Hiring a qualified height safety equipment inspector is a very important risk control measure and ensures that your equipment is in good working condition. What may appear as a small hole or cut could mean the integrity of your height safety equipment has been compromised.